Sometimes bugs have symptoms beyond belief. This is a collection of such stories from around the web.
- Car Allergic to Vanilla Ice Cream
- Crash Bandicoot
- Crash Cows
- Down by Tubes
- Fail on certain Moon Phases
- Flushing the Toilet Stops the Train
- Football fans after four years
- Fortran-hating Gateway
- Hard Times
- In the Middle of Large Print Jobs
- It's High Tide!
- Missile Control Deadlocks
- More Magic Switch
- OpenOffice does not print on Tuesdays
- Packets of Death
- Pallet Kills the Radio
- Real Life Tron
- Sit Down for Log in
- The 500-mile Email
- The little ssh that (sometimes) couldn't
- The Rock Music Filter
- The self-fixing internet outage
- The Story of Mel
- Totally USB
- Wrong Error Message
- Xbox Crash Hunt
Externally hosted stories:
- An instruction never executed corrupts memory
- Crashes only on October 10th
- Crashes only on Wednesdays
- Hyperthreading hardware bug
- iPhones allergic to Helium
- I shipped a word processor that formatted the hard drive every 1024 saves
- Off by Two
- Raspberry Pi is camera shy
- The Wi-Fi only works when it's raining
- The women who needed to be upside down
- ZooKeeper’s Poison Packet
Send me more stories, if you know some.
Of course, reddit also has a collection and Hacker Newsers like to tell stories as well.
In my blog, I sometimes write stories like The Architect Rewritten (a Matrix Reloaded Homage) and lists like Accidentally Turing-Complete things from C++ templates to Super Mario.